By trying to convey an image or an important scene of a dream in three Haiku style lines or in a Tanka style verse of five lines, a person can discover much meaning. The act of choosing the most concise language for describing the dream element will sometimes  uncover deeper or hidden meanings. At least his is what I have found to be true in my quest to understand my dreams through writing in this breif Oriental way.  Find more information on Dreamku and other dream study at
Blog Address ~

My new Dreamwork  in Japanese fashion will be added as they are written.   -VCW

Copyrighted VCW 2007

at a gas station
wary old friends shun me
we meet by chance
ghosts give chase; I slip and grab
for a friend's hand, but she runs


in a midday nap
a dog roams between
wrecked tractor trucks
I wake for the noontime news
dejavu blinks to red lights


grey hair down her back
she turns in music box dance
doll arms lift above
the blunt wood carved face of one
unfinished voodoo Barbie


pumped into a cup
cream from her breast won't mix
like oil and water
the two swirl separately
too warm to be natural


I pull a large worm
from a small hole in my thigh
flesh rolls inside out
tentacles move on both ends
it crystallizes and breaks


lights will not turn on
answers are a spark away
something eludes me
stiff fingers search for switches
my shadow moves on the wall


Copyrighted VCW  2007

the black eggshell cracks
white fire glares through jagged lines
I peck through the sky


answers do not come
when the wind asks "who are you?"
waves erase my art

dangerous coast cliffs
joining the Americas
she jumps between rocks


in his lunch bowl
two live fish flop; one chirps
he pets it with his fork


Barn stall holds spotlight
Man-size white owl spreads his wings
My wired package squirms


three tattered pieces
a puzzle shuffled to fit
spells H-O-M-E


I fear for us both
"don't go; evil is out there"
black winged angels fly


By trying to convey an image or an important scene of a dream in three Haiku style lines or in a Tanka style verse of five lines, a person can discover much meaning. The act of choosing the most concise language for describing the dream element will sometimes  uncover deeper or hidden meanings. At least his is what I have found to be true in my quest to understand my dreams through writing in this breif Oriental way.  Find more information on Dreamku and other dream study at
Blog Address ~

My new Dreamwork  in Japanese fashion will be added as they are written.   -VCW
Dreamwork Through Prose
All Tanka and Dreamku on this page are copyrighted by Vera Charline Wareham ~ 2007


quiet after the storm
a wall of twisted roots
beloved tree down

lonely lips frown
new toys in cedar chest
await grandchildren

a brown eye glints
turning amber
the last sunray

tears wet cheeks
a chirping finch fluffs
splattering raindrops

dead branches
lightning streaks

the crooked branch
reflects in a puddle
where a leaf floats


clinging to edges
Crepe Myrtle blossoms
fall in pink torrents

on a black topped road
an exact image reflects
white clouds and rainbow

small perfect peaches
cluster on crowded branches
of the dying tree

squares of bright light
shine on the bowl of water
fish swim through windows

circles in water
appear and disappear
icicles drip

one inch thick
clear slick ice encloses
the green holly leaves

near morning sky
indigo turns smoky blue
wings flap past the moon



Grand Child

in this baby's face
I see forever spring wound
bursting forth today
in the gaze of newborn eyes
eternity blinked away

hidden, she watches
through rain, tree branches and vines
wolf-dogs eyes and hers
a woman leads this pack
stalking with no intention